
What is Acne ?

 Acne is the most common skin disease. It usually appears during adolescence. Acne is a disease of the sebaceous glands of the hair and it usually presents as common acne vulgaris, with more frequent detection on the face, back, chest and shoulders.

Acne does not have any harmful effects to physical health, but it affectsthe person socially and psychologically. People with acne have lower self-esteem and self-confidence and they usually undergo the feeling of rejection.

 Many people develop symptoms of acne during their adulthood due to hormone disorders. High levels of testosterone contribute to hypersecretion of sebum which results to closure of skin poresand appearance of blisters, bumps and cysts.



 Treatment of acne is based on the upright cooperation of the patient and the doctor. Basic principles of the treatment of acne are local washing, local use of medication and drugs per os.

Acne scars are the unfavourable effects of common acne (acne vulgaris). Treatment of scars is based on chemical peeling, dermabrasion, non-invasive laser, or a combination of them.

Treatment of acne and scars

 Acne is a dermatological disease which affects up to 80% of adolescents until 20 years old and up to 5% of elderly. Although many people have been cured from acne without permanent effects, there are some others with disformative acne scars. There are some local products for skin care and medications that can reduce mild scars, but most of the acne scars requires combination of invasive treatments for reborn of healthy tissue and restoration of skin surface.

Acne scarsare caused from loss of healthy tissue on an area of the skin that acne has taken place. Given that most of the people have at least mild acne, scars are very often. For some people these scars are small and they will languish over time, but for some others they are intense and permanent. After an acne damage to the skin, provided that it has healed, it can leave a red mark on the skin. This is not actually a scar, but a post inflammation change. There are some practises and medications the dermatologist will recommend you, that can facilitate this healing procedure.



 The best way to prevent acne scars is to prevent acne from the very beginning. This can be done by understanding the factors that cause acne and using suitable therapies for the different types of acne.



 Treatment is done in combination or separately among the below: microdermabrasion, laser, new technology fractional laser, chemical peeling, collagen injection and surgical restoration of the skin.

Acne scars have different effects between the people. Serious scars can be fairly disformative. For some people, acne scars can be psychologically painful.